小型多軸飛機 Snowstorm |成功載人飛行五分鐘

小型多軸飛機 最近有新突破,一班來自新加坡大學的研究生,成功測試有真駕駛員搭載的飛行測試,雖然暫時只可以飛到5分鐘,而且亦要在室內飛行,但對於 小型多軸飛機 的研究來講,絕對是一件大事,要擁有一架私人飛機,又多一個機會。
今次由新加坡大學學生研究的 小型多軸飛機 的名字叫Snowstorm,它可以作垂直升降,即使在自家後花園都可以順利起飛。Snowstorm身上搭載有24隻螺旋推動器,機底有六隻用於吸收衝擊力的支架,遠睇有少少似辦公室的椅腳。今次就成功在室內進行真人飛行測試,雖然未至於好穩定,但已可連續五分鐘載人飛行。由於結構相對簡單,相信到時造價會比私人飛機平好多。下一個階段將會用於提升安全性,畢竟要在天上飛,發生意外除了駕駛員命仔不保,仲有墜落民居風險,安全至上。

Singapore's FIRST Personal Flying Machine!

BEHOLD! THE SNOWSTORM – Singapore's FIRST indoor personal flying machine! Designed and built by a team of NUS students, Snowstorm is an electric-powered aircraft capable of vertical take-off and landing that can be controlled by a pilot. This super cool project is part of FrogWorks, a collaboration between the NUS Faculty of Engineering's Design-Centric Programme and the NUS University Scholars Programme.Now your dreams of flight can become a reality… with your very own personal aircraft! Follow the SNOWSTORM project here, FW Air: Electric Aviation#NUSLife #NUSResearch

Posted by National University of Singapore on Wednesday, December 2, 2015