2022年即將完結,香港Disney+ 於1月推出「 暖心‧爆‧笑兔年賀歲片單 」,包括香港有口皆碑的好戲,以及經典賀歲片共迎農曆新年;「第80屆金球獎提名片單」率先重温高水準之作;「全球各地精彩作品大晒冷」盡睇不同傑作!農曆新年長假,可以慢慢煲。
神探大戰 Detective vs. Sleuths
香港接連發生多宗殘忍至極的兇殺案,死者皆為逍遙法外的疑犯,兇手自稱「神探」,以私刑執法,挑戰警察。警方立即傾盡隊中的「神探」,成立專案組迎戰。精神病患者李俊(劉青雲 飾),發病前曾是警隊的皇牌,當年外號正是「神探」,如今卻活得像廢柴,淪落街頭。為了證明自己不是瘋子而是「神探」,李俊決定加入戰團,跳進狂徒的佈局。但他必須與時間競賽,破盡新舊案件,才能將殺人「神探」緝拿歸案。 三方「神探」為了自己的正義,展開大戰……
Hong Kong is rocked by multiple gruesome murders whose victims are all suspects who have got away in previous cases. The vigilantes claim themselves “the Sleuths” to taunt the police. In response, the police form a special task force. Once a brilliant detective, Lee Jun has been expelled from the force after a mental breakdown. To prove himself a capable detective, Lee Jun joins the task force at the request of Lieutenant Inspector, Chan Yee. They must race against time to solve all the new and cold cases in order to hunt down the Sleuths.
阿媽有咗第二個 Mama’s Affairs
多年前曾一手捧紅多位巨星的歌手經理人美鳳(毛舜筠 飾),婚後選擇全面告別職場,專心相夫教子。如今囝囝子軒(柳應廷 飾)即將到外國升讀大學,美鳳決定重出江湖,藉以尋回人生價值。一次偶然機會,美鳳認識了茶餐廳的外賣仔方晴(姜濤 飾),發現他在演藝方面極具潛能,決心將他推向舞台,果然短時間就成功令他火速走紅成為偶像,令美鳳職場上鋒芒再露。身世孤苦的方晴激發了美鳳的母愛照顧,卻令親生囝囝感到被冷落,揭開了母子長年未解的感情裂痕。
Former entertainment industry starmaker Mei-fung (Teresa Mo) returns to the industry after nearly two decades away from the business. By chance, she meets Fong Ching (Keung To), a delivery boy who also happens to have great musical talent. When Mei-fung decides to focus her attention on training Ching, Mei-fung’s son Jonathan (Jer Lau) becomes intensely jealous.
美女與野獸:愛與魔法30 年
Beauty and the Beast: A 30th Celebration
經典橫跨30年!為紀念《美女與野獸》面世30週年,Disney+ 獨家呈獻紀念特輯,混合動畫及真人元素重塑永世不朽的童話之作,以及展示出受經典故事啟發的全新音樂表演、精緻佈景及華麗服裝。熱愛迪士尼童話的粉絲不容錯過!
In honor of the 30th anniversary of the animated classic, this animated and live-action blended special showcases the fan-favorite movie, along with new musical performances, sets and costumes inspired by the classic story.
《阿凡達:水之道》現正席捲全球《阿凡達: 深度揭秘》深度潛入金像導演與演員再創異世界經典之旅
阿凡達: 深度揭秘
Avatar: The Deep Dive – A Special Edition of 20/20
全球劃時代神作《阿凡達》續作《阿凡達:水之道》再次引起全球大熱,Disney+ 獨家呈獻電影製作特輯,帶領觀眾一同深度潛入電影的異世界,了解金像導演占士金馬倫及演員們的拍攝經過。
An inside look at one of the most anticipated movie sequels ever with Oscar®-winning director James Cameron and cast.
《星球大戰︰特種兵團》(第二季) 特種兵團繼續進行帝國冒險之旅 遇見新舊朋友敵人執行刺激任務
星球大戰︰特種兵團 第二季 Star Wars: The Bad Batch S2
Months have passed since the events on Kamino and the Bad Batch continue their journey navigating the Empire after the fall of the Republic. They will cross paths with friends and foes, both new and familiar, as they take on a variety of thrilling mercenary missions that will take them to unexpected and dangerous new places.
《魔雪奇緣》愛莎聲演者兼《Let It Go》主唱者紀錄片《伊甸娜文素:舞台之路》見證東尼獎得獎歌手踏上音樂非凡夢想路
Idina Menzel: Which Way to the Stage?
集歌手、演員於一身、聲演風靡全球的迪士尼電影《魔雪奇緣》傳奇角色愛莎及主題曲主唱、受萬千寵愛的東尼獎得主伊甸娜文素縱使成就斐然,然而心底尚有一個夢想從未實現 — 回到家鄉紐約市,登上舉世知名的麥迪遜廣場花園演出。Disney Branded Television與Ideal Partners將以歡樂、勵志和深入的角度,全面紀錄伊甸娜的舞台夢想之路。過程中,導演安麥姬芘將會追訪同為現職媽媽的伊甸娜16 場全國巡迴演唱會,記錄她於緊湊的工作行程中,如何平衡家庭與事業的各種挑戰,同時亦為實現終極夢想所作的準備。
Beloved Tony Award®-winning actress and singer Idina Menzel’s many triumphs include iconic Broadway roles as well as the legendary voice of Elsa in Disney’s “Frozen.” Yet, one dream goal has evaded her grasp: to headline a concert at the world-famous Madison Square Garden in her hometown of New York City. From Disney Branded Television and Ideal Partners comes the joyous, inspirational and in-depth look at Idina Menzel as you’ve never seen her before. In “Idina Menzel: Which Way to the Stage?” filmmaker Anne McCabe follows Menzel on a national tour over the course of 16 shows as she juggles the challenges of being a working mom with a grueling travel schedule, all while preparing finally to realize her dream.
Elton John Live: Farewell From Dodger Stadium
於2022年11月21 日在洛杉磯舉行的全球音樂盛事《艾頓莊:告別巡迴演唱會網上直播》,英國殿堂級巨星艾頓莊作出現場告別演唱。於1975年,他在同一場地舉辦了兩場名留青史的音樂會,旋即登入音樂界殿堂級地位。在音樂的旅程上,艾頓莊決定重回成名地作出最後一場北美演出 。註定是音樂史上最偉大的告別之一, 《艾頓莊:告別巡迴演唱會網上直播》除了會演唱數十年來經典全球熱爆歌曲外,更邀請了特別嘉賓演出,將這場壯觀的歷史性音樂會帶進世界各地觀眾家中。
“Elton John Live: Farewell from Dodger Stadium” is a concert event featuring legendary, global superstar Elton John LIVE from Los Angeles on November 21 th, 2022. In this must-see concert experience, Elton John performs at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles, where in 1975 he performed two sold-out and career defining concerts that cemented his legend globally. Now, in a full circle and emotional moment, he takes the stage in his final North American show as part of his Farewell Yellow Brick Road Tour, in one of the greatest send-offs in music history. Featuring special guests and performances of unparalleled global hits spanning decades, “Elton John Live: Farewell from Dodger Stadium” brings the spectacular, historic concert into the homes of viewers around the world.
2005年11月6日,史無前例的超大型偶像團體「SUPER JUNIOR 05」正式出道,至今活動18年,已成為首屈一指的韓流巨星。SUPER JUNIOR一路走來其實每步如履薄冰。《SUPER JUNIOR:THE LAST MAN STANDING》紀錄片,記錄了他們從未公開過的故事,將會帶大家回顧由出道至今,逐漸成長的模樣,成員們更會透露因為珍惜大家而無法輕易表達的內心話。當今最長壽偶像團體SUPER JUNIOR的過去、現在以及未來,以及與這隊天團一起成長的韓國流行音樂歷史也會收錄在內。
On November 6, 2005, an unconventionally big-sized boy group SUPER JUNIOR 05 made their debut in the music scene. Making their mark in Asia, they rise into the world-class artist SUPER JUNIOR. “THE LAST MAN STANDING” is a behind-the-scenes exploration of SUPER JUNIOR and its members, offering fresher insight into the K-pop industry.
大熱動漫《東京復仇者》獨家登場 打響迪士尼與講談社擴大合作戰略計劃頭炮
東京復仇者 Tokyo Revengers
花垣武道處於人生低潮並且一事無成,無意中得知中學時曾經交往,人生中唯一一個女朋友 —— 橘日向喪命的消息,而喪命罪魁禍首就是凶狠殘暴的壞蛋聯盟「東京卍會」。收到消息後的翌日,武道在車站月台被某人推下路軌,本以為必死無疑的他再次睜眼時竟發現自己穿越了時空回到36年前。武道穿越時空,回到人生最光輝的中學時期,為了拯救戀人以及改變只懂得逃避的自己,他將為自己的人生展開復仇!
Already low and down on his luck, Takemichi Hanagaki is devastated to learn that the love of his life from his middle school years has been killed by the criminal Tokyo Manji Gang. While Takemichi waits for a train the very next day, he is pushed from behind into the path of an oncoming train. Prepared to die, he instead wakes up to find he has traveled twelve years into the past and is again a middle school student. Now, Takemichi can rewrite history by making different choices in the hopes of preventing the death of his sweetheart.
啟發自真實離奇兇案 4個懸疑單元劇《台灣犯罪故事》實力演員雲集演繹犯罪背後人性陰暗面
台灣犯罪故事 Taiwan Crime Stories
This four-part anthology series retells real-life crime cases in Taiwan. A train derailment leaves insurer Wenqing’s husband in a coma. Wenqing suspects foul play when fraud and her husband’s affair come to light. Veteran cop Wang is called to investigate the murder of his daughter Xuan, a teacher who was violated in an elementary school parking lot. Xuan’s troubled student is the only witness. Reporter Lee has hidden motives to interview cold-blooded gang hitman Shen, who has left a trail of bodies in his wake but denies involvement in the Yeh family massacre. Fugitive Jie seeks help from his younger brother Cheng, an army soldier. While in hiding, Jie discovers a dead boy in the military camp and all suspicions point to Cheng. Jie races against time to clear his brother’s name.
被消失的凶案A Murder Erased
Having been demoted to a local police force by his superior officer Ma Man Chiu, Lok Ying Choi takes over a murder case being investigated by Cheung Ka Yan. The victim, Wu Ying Yung, has been dead for eight years before his body is found. Lok Ying Choi suspects Chan Wing Chiu, who has an affair with the victim’s wife, Yan Fung Ping. However, senior court prosecutor Santos has his doubts. Before his death, Wu Ying Yung was involved in rapes, drugs, and extortion. Lok Ying Choi’s relationship with gang boss Wong Kwok Wai is also questionable. As inconsistencies in Lok Ying Choi’s statement start coming to light, the investigator becomes investigated. Is Lok Ying Choi framing innocent people? How has the murder been left undiscovered for eight years, and who is the actual murderer?
團圓飯 Reunion Dinner
Advertising company co-workers Chao Yang and Zi Hong have been dating for over a year, with marriage in mind. When a client requests a livestream of their reunion dinner to promote his products, the couple realizes that neither has met the other’s family. Zi Hong is excited to finally meet Chao Yang’s mother, unaware of the latter’s estranged relationship with his mother. Embarrassed by his mother Yan Ling’s occupation as a mama-san, Chao Yang decides to engage the help of a friend, Wei, to “rent-a-family,” resulting in a series of mishaps and hilarity. The carefully constructed sham falls to pieces when the lie is eventually exposed over the reunion dinner on livestream. Will Chao Yang be able to repair the broken relationship with his mother and reconcile his differences with Zi Hong?
停車離座即爆炸與孩子共赴黃泉 韓國懸疑片《極速引爆》保持通話與車速同時撇清警方懷疑
極速引爆Hard Hit
On a regular commute to work, along comes a mysterious phone call that tells him a bomb is planted under his seat. Bank manager Sunggyu is on his way to work with his two kids when he receives a call from a restricted number. The caller claims that Sunggyu is sitting on a bomb and warns that when he gets out of his seat, the bomb will go off. Sunggyu brushes it off initially as a voice phishing call, but when his colleague dies in a car bombing right in front of his eyes, he realizes that this is for real. As if that is not enough, the police are chasing him after ruling him as a prime suspect for the act of terrorism. In that desperate moment, Sunggyu is at a crossroads as he cannot hang up the call from the mysterious caller and has to keep his children safe
《屍殺片場》鬼才導演上田慎一郎新作《弊傢伙, JJ唔見咗》加入神秘組織「奔州集會」誓死於6日限期內尋回飛走JJ
弊傢伙, JJ唔見咗Popran
Tatsuya Tagami is a successful boss of a comic app. One morning, he wakes up and realizes that his private part has disappeared. Unidentified sightings of an object referred to as “sky fish” zips through the sky and make the local news. He accidentally comes across a mysterious club called Popran. The Popran are a group of men who have lost what they call their “popran” which have turned into flying objects. Now, Tagami only has six days to catch his high-speed “friend” or he will lose it forever.